Category: Other

7 Common Mistakes While Implementing Debt Consolidation

Debt management can be overwhelming for apparent reasons. What makes it necessary is the deterioration in the standard of living due to the lack of loan opportunities. It’s about getting the right amount of borrowings at the right time. Even after months of stress and good repayment habits, some people do not achieve the desired […]

How to say no without saying no to insurance uncle

So many times in our life, we face this situation that someone from our distant family for friend circle – UNCLE (even Aunts too) are themselves Insurance agents and try their level best to sell an insurance policy to us. Many a times, you, can’t say clear NO. But deep in your heart, you don’t […]

Alignment of Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements (DTAAs) With Multilateral Instrument (MLI) Background [Section 90 and 90A]

Section 90 of the Act empowers the Central Government to enter into DTAAs with foreign countries or specified territories inter alia for avoidance of double taxation of income under the laws of both, India and that foreign country or territory. Similar provisions are also contained in section 90A so as to empower the Central Government to adopt […]

Stocks to Buy and Avoid in this Market Correction

If you can call something a perfect storm, then this might be it. The world including India is fighting the coronavirus. A war over oil has broken out. Amidst all this, we have our own banking troubles back home. The stock markets are bearing the brunt of all this. Since Sensex hit an all time closing high on […]

Running on OPM: Other People’s Money

You know what is better than Debt or Equity? It’s Other People’s Money (OPM). Debt is expensive because you need to pay an interest on it. Equity is technically more expensive than Debt because you need to generate better returns for the extra risk that the shareholder is taking. But what about OPM? It’s free. […]
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