Category: Fund Raising

Is there an ideal holding period for debt funds?

Nov 8, 2019 Fund Raising by Ronak
The two factors below can help you decide a reasonable holding period for different types of debt funds. When we consider equity funds, the minimum expected holding period does not change with the type of equity fund. In other words, all types of equity funds should be invested in for the long term which can […]

Best Business Loans in India for Small Businesses

Nov 6, 2019 Fund Raising by Ronak
Business loans have become an essential element for any small or big business. Whether you are an established entrepreneur or growing business professional, you will need money for every stage of business. Starting from working capital management to business expansion you can use business loans for funding your business. There are numbers for banks, venture […]

Home loans likely to get cheaper from this week

Oct 1, 2019 Fund Raising by Ronak
Home loans likely to get cheaper from this week As banks shift to a new system borrower could be paying less on their mortgages Borrowers could be paying less on their mortgages as banks shift to a new system of linking such loans this week to benchmarks prescribed by the central bank. That may result […]

Top 5 Myths about Fund Raising in 2017

Fund raising is a distant dream for many mid-sized companies. Run on the mill thoughts say that fund raising is not for us. It is only for those elite class of people who can woe the investors and honour their most unreasonable conditions and adhere to their weirdest whim. Well, that’s not true at all. […]

Debt Syndication – The Borrower’s Dilemma

Taking a loan is never an easy task. Banks in India are still considered sacrosanct and whatever they say is taken as seriously as the line of law. In such a situation, where the businessmen think that I need money, so I must say yes to all terms & conditions becomes the most logical conclusion. […]
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